We count on an ample experience in the working field, with specialized professionals and a vision which is not only entrepreneurial and aimed to reduction of working costs, but also a social one.  Hence, we consider that innovation and equilibrium are cornerstone to any company. Among the services we offer are:

Individual Scope:

Functions of this service are consultancy and advisory in individual personnel hiring (national and foreign), modification of working terms, procedures of working agreements termination, worker liquidation and working benefits.

Collective Scope:

The services in this scope are advisory in working collective negotiations (direct negotiation, conciliation, mediation, arbitration, third party intervention) without leaving apart that drafting, interpretation, and application of collective agreements.  Likewise, we offer advisory regarding working-legal issues within the collective treat with the personnel, attention during force situations such as strike, and transferring of personnel because of mergers and/or other causes.

Working Procedure:

Our law firm sponsors defense either in administrative procedures (accusations, inspections, conciliation meetings, and other related procedures in the Working Ministry) or in judicial field (sues) by assuming the lawsuits of clients in front of different instances of the Judicial Power and Constitutional Tribunal if that is the case.

Intermediation and Working Outsourcing:

We offer consultancy for the incorporation of service companies to supply personnel to third parties as much as consultancy for hiring with those companies of working outsourcing.  We also offer outsourcing agreements which do not imply working intermediation or secondment.

Pension Scope:

In this regard we advise in pension matters, with independence if the come either from the public or private system, voidance of affiliation to AFPs, among others.  We offer advise regarding healthcare and litigation related to social security.

Education Scope:

We offer advisory in personnel hiring related to young formation regime, pre-professional sponsorships, and learning agreements.